Thursday, March 29, 2018

The forgotten Arch

          Yesterday's drawing and todays are about as opposite in style as ink drawings can get. One precisely drawn with a gel pen, the other scribbled with a half defunct Sharpie.  Both are about the same size.
          After walking late one evening earlier this week, I came to this scene. The view of the north side of the Haskell Memorial arch in the street light.  

         You may have seen other drawings and even paintings of this arch on Harvinks before...
          Haskell campus is always interesting. Architecture and also activities that inspire an artist.   At the west end of the stadium stands this arch. A memorial arch for the Haskell as well as LHS had football games there for years. I suppose that HINU now uses the stadium during track season. But seems to me that the arch is mostly forgotten; although maybe not, according to the links below...

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