Wednesday, March 28, 2018

stool by window

It is March Madness time, so we spend way more time than normal watching TV.
Basketball is about all we watch all year.    This year we watched more than most, as someone wanted to see every possible game that might have an effect on the outcome of KU's season.

All that to say that I was sitting watching a game with the ladies with sketch pad in hand.
Nobody cared if I was paying close attention, after all it was not actually KU playing.

Most stuff at Shannon's I have already drawn, but maybe not this stool. It was such a perfect setup.
Even though I moved the stool around a bit to improve the composition.  To me it was the perfect
setup for ink. Strong darks against solid white with enough midtone to help suggest the diffused interior lighting of a cloudy day.    Though looking into the room through the wide arch from the living room I was inspired to eliminate the door frame and some other stuff that would complicate the scene and make the drawing less focused on the center of interest.

The center of intrest which is what? The stool back, which first caught my  intrest, or the seat of the stool which asks to be occupied, or is it the shinning surface of the table top, reflecting only one or 2 images from the room?
What do you think...?

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