Monday, July 16, 2018

Milborn Light

                Like many of the things I draw, this was done in too big a hurry, and too little thought. But also, like much of what I do under those circumstances, when I find it later burried in some misplaced sketch pad, I end up kinda liking it for the very spontenaity that caused me some angst in the beginning. I had been thinking of doing the car for some time. but as it turned out on this day, I was still up the large central stairs in the Watkins museum, while all the family that had come with us was waiting at the entry for me.  They could see me from where they stood, and were politely wondering just how long I was actually going to take.

Friday, July 13, 2018

Gray-headed coneflower

This quick drawing showing the upper portion of the plant was started as they all seem to be lately, with a pencil while sitting on a camp stool along the trail at Prairie Park.

Here is another gray coneflower, done close-up and in pencil, showing a couple stages in the maturing of the flower. The disc florets were just beginning to open and turn dark near the bottom on one side of the central flower. The middle flower has a full gray "cap" and the top flower is just beginning to reach its ray pedals out.  The whole drawing is about 3" tall.

Thursday, July 12, 2018

O'Connell Stone

Grammie likes this one. I posted another of this place in mid June that was done after this one.
Nothing on this house is where you think it should be.
Nothing lines up like it should- that makes for some good subject matter...

Tuesday, July 10, 2018


Here is another drawing done in pencil of the Murphy-Brommelsick house- it was early May.

Monday, July 9, 2018

India ink and stick drawing

This stick drawing was done with india ink. Black and white in the truest sense of the term.
The jpeg image was on my phone for some time, but just now got added to the possible postings.
The original sketch came from the stack of quick studies done on trips to see the grandkids.

Sunday, July 8, 2018

Decided to do a couple Spiderwort from memory. That did not turn out so well, even though the drawing  is ok .   Although I had a good idea in my head of what I was aiming for, I found that it was much easier if I had something to look at while drawing. Otherwise it took me repeated roughs to get to a workable image. The top one was done mostly from memory, and the bottom one was done from a previously drawn flower.

But this one is more what I was looking for. Not only did I use an earlier study as a reference, I also used a photo or 2 as well. Is that cheating??   Actually, the photos greatly aid the memory when looking for just the right shape or angle. But only when you are working in the studio, away from the actual subject. Which is sometimes necessary if you are sitting in the sun and the sweat is running into your eyes, or your back is beginning to ache from holding one position way too long.

Friday, July 6, 2018

Paw Paw & Hackberry

This drawing of the pawpaw leaves was an attempt to help me identify the tree in the undergrowth along the Wakarusa River in the wetlands. What I have not done yet is done such a drawing with a Zebra Swallowtail butterfly or 2 sitting on a leaf. The Pawpaw is their meal of choice I understand. A few days before starting this, one of those "Zebras" had landed right at my feet for a picture.  
There are a couple small Hackberry trees growing in the background and also a bit of poison ivy going up one of them.

Here is the same drawing after getting a good start on the ink. I had gone over most of the pencil with a fine line pen, and was starting to rough in some of the background.

Here is the drawing as it was when I left the woods for home. I was tired of the mosquitos, as I had forgotten my DEET, but was unwilling to quite on the pencil until there was enough to get a finished ink drawing out of it. 

Thursday, July 5, 2018

Alex Auto

I was in North Lawrence to talk to Alex about the car and took just a minute to get a sketch of the cavernous opening behind a couple cars they were working on.  These are a lot of fun to do, and can be done pretty much on any walk through any neighborhood. Just make sure you are not upsetting any of the locals, which seldom happens.

Monday, July 2, 2018

Second bloom

It has taken forever for the clematis by the  mail box to get taller than I. But this year it has done it!  It was some fancy variety, but has not grown very robustly. So a couple weeks ago while it was showing off its 2nd flush of bloom for the summer, I thought it time to do an ink drawing.  And here we have it.

Here is the drawing after I had added fine line ink to most of the pencil layout which was done standing at the curb.
This was done in a 7" x 10" Canson pad of 98 lb paper.
The pen was a Misulove Needle Drawing Pen, probably the small one- 005