Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Spiderwort again

Here are some more of the irresistible spiderwort. This was the first day that I began drawing them. I can stand along the trail dong one after another until my back is screaming for a break...

Every morning the south end of the prairie at the park is peppered with these guys. But take a walk just before sunset, and you will not find a bloom. Do they fold up for the night or drop to the ground? I find no evidence for either! 
I suppose that I should do some of these in color. That remains for another day.
The lines created by this plant are fantastic and they compliment well the flower atop.

Tuesday, May 29, 2018


I do not think there is a flower in the park all year that is as elegant.  With such integral yet independant leaves and bracts, all reaching for their place in the sun. All supporting the pale blue gems sitting atop the stem.  Everything is so simple and direct.

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Drawing from the memory

It is funny how you can remember how some drawings were conceived. This one I remember very clearly.
There was in those days a Valentino's Pizza joint on the north side of 23rd street. They had a pizza buffet.  We took Grandma Chick there on special occasions, because you could feed 4 or 5 kids pretty inexpensively, and Grandma loved it. This was on one of those occasions, while we were sitting by the window, maybe waiting to be seated and watching others getting served. The star in the background was actually part of the decoration on the wall.