Friday, February 21, 2014

Barn from the '80's

          The idea for this drawing came from a trip with our youngest into the city for a Dr's visit when he was still an infant.  We actually made two stops that day on the way in for a late appointment so I could explore a couple sites. Neither still exist, though they both became subjects of ink drawings. I am actually not sure in this case if I worked from a sketch or a photograph I took at the site.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

From the Border

           Done from the old Borders building now the temporary library. Same westward look as the Earnst one, just a block north. (I'll have to post it later I guess) Cold snowy morning, but I was in the children's section leaning against a bookshelf, keeping myself warm, and getting some drawing done at the same time. Not too many kids came by looking for books while I was blocking a chunk of the isle, although there were still some schools in the area closed for the recent snow. 
        This drawing indicates a trend.  I have been thinking it would be nice to get some sketch or something done each day.  For some reason, however, my schedule seems to be a little full. What with chasing around with Grandmother Ruth, doing extra errands because of the snow, working on income taxes, etc there does not seem to be a lot of time.  Well, I did this drawing while I had an hour to kill down town.  I spent about 20 minutes, maybe 25 on this sketch.  I think I spent only about 10 more minutes or less touching it up at home.  It is just an observation of what the back of Mass. St. looked like that day. These drawings are fun to do, and I have done a number of them in the last weeks, though some are not worth much, I was satisfied with this one. Hope you like it too. These spontaneous, quick ones may give you a lot better idea of what is going through the artists head than a more finished or studied piece.  They give you a quick idea of what the scene was like, without a lot of distracting detail. 

Thursday, February 6, 2014

El Dorado time

     This is an India ink drawing done from a pencil sketch. Seems like the good angles are often found over the top of someone's fence.  I think here we were sitting in the parking lot at Brahms on Central in Eldorado.
Does that look right JEH?  Maybe it was on the way home in Emporia.  Tell you the truth, I cannot remember...