Monday, October 31, 2016


 Filled up this 5 x 9 page.  In Kansas you do not get a lot of practice drawing palm trees, so we were taking advantage of the time we had.

And this one with a little more variety

These 2 palms on the top right are maybe my favorite of this batch of sketches.
There are of course mostly palm trees of various ilk.  Some nice pines, and some the kids call "Fake real pine trees". Because they are real but look fake. I stuck mostly to the palms as you can see.

These were all done with a Sharpie extra fine point, which gives you no time to worry about a little mistake here and there...

Ocean Side, across the 2 rivers from Melbourne.  Boats, pelicans and pines.

Saturday, October 29, 2016

the Surfin' Turtle

We took a drive one evening to "Beach side" just to get some ice cream at the Surfin' Turtle. It is THE place to get ice cream in the area.   This drawing is the view from under the canopy. The  really big box turtles are in a cage just beside the eating area. The pelicans are flying over heading down the beach which is just behind the umbrella and the flag. We are looking between two hotels sitting on the beach.

Friday, October 28, 2016

Sketches from the beach

Block House Beach
The last time I was at a beach actually prepared to swim was nearly 50 years prior to this.  But there we were on the beach on a blistering day trying to hide under the sun screen and umbrellas.  THAT did not work very well!  Well, so we got a bit brown (burned some might say) we also got some good time birding with the kids and sketching the scene there in east central Florida.  It was straight up noon, and a pretty active place. The brown pelicans were flying overhead and feeding just past the little surf. This was in June, so quite some time before the hurricane went past. They did avoid any serious damage in the immediate area of Melbourne I do believe.
                                                                           Pelicans & Grackles
 Pretty slick shelter the MGH's brought from GA.  Anchors in the sand quickly over a couple poles and it is ready to go, and windproof. The grackles were often very close. RuRu and I saw our first Black Skimmer, watching it feed is something you don't see in KS.

                                                            More from Block House Beach

Fun trying to catch a sketch of the Pelicans diving.  
It is only the last split second- a few feet above the water- that they pull their wings in tight.

To the beach...
Packing the cooler, crossing the river, and skirting the Air Force Base...Hence the name: Block House Beach.

I know, not much for sketches, huh, but you gotta figure that each sketch is merely preparation for the next one, right?

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Brevard County Library

We had made a quick run to the county library so the kids could get some more reading material. While they poked around I had a chance to do this sketch of a little rocker sitting in the kids section. It was nice to have a different rocker to put my hand to. They offer a little different challenge as far as chairs go.  Cropped from a page with other scribbles on it as well, makes this image show every detail, every flaw...and a scrap of the other sketch sharing the page.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016


We were just on our way to Florida for the first visit ever. Here are a couple early sketches.

Priority Boarding:

The boarding area in KC was jammed with people waiting for a flight or 2 before us. But for a few minutes I had a seat next to Steph and while there watched the folk lined up for their flight. This was the sketch I did.  The people were a lot more dignified than this cartoon indicates; fortunately they did not see the results of my work.

Gate 43: 

We had just gotten through security at Kansas City International. We had another flight ahead of us and had about a half hour to kill. The place was jam packed with people, but I was pretty inconspicuous leaned against a pillar  doing this drawing while people were milling all around me.

Monday, October 24, 2016

Brown-eyed Susan

8 am. Prairie Park. Brown-eyed Susan.  At this south end of the "Prairie" the flowers, taking their cue from the weather. were a bit behind schedule as I recall.  So I was able to get a petal or 2 in the drawing.  This is one of the drawings that inspired me to do more of the plants in the park.  And maybe actually learn to identify a couple of 'em.  Is it really what I think it is??  Maybe someone could educate me...

Here below is a sketch of the sycamore leaves.  These guys are growing in the rocks of the dam. Not sure how good that is for the dam. but  for now they are very small. And the leaves are very interesting. They have the somewhat unusual habit of draping backwards from their attachment at the leaf base, unlike most leaves that stand somewhat upright from the petiole.

Friday, October 21, 2016

I-35 south hill

The dimensions of this painting are 7.5" x 13.75"  Done on  Canson 140# paper.   The date on the drawing was    12/6/15 - it was 45 degrees outside at the time. The date on the painting itself was 12/9/15.  We often see this place as we go south...  Looks like the Flint Hills to me.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

towards Caboul

 Other than the notes on the pencil sketch that I added on 2/23/16 when I did the sketch I don't have much info about this subject.  I have misplaced most of the sketches and drawings which led up to this final painting.  It has the color of late winter or very early spring in southern Missouri. (The title even has the twang of a southern Missouri drawl...)   Done on a sheet of Canson 140# watercolor paper on the 27th of March of this year.

Friday, October 7, 2016

the rock place

The back side of the Galdamez's place.  We were there for a weekend get-a-way with others of my Prairie High School graduating class of 51 years ago. That's longer than this rock house has been standing!

Thursday, October 6, 2016

mail box

There are as many kinds of mail boxes and posts as there are houses it seems.  When I find 2 or 3 alike (very strange in our 50 year old neighborhood) it is more surprising than finding a different one.  We call these mail man targets, but in town it is usually not the postman who knocks 'em over, it is usually someone backing out of a driveway.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Lawrence Public Library sketches

Two different days here. April 15th & the 22nd.  The question is then did I do any sketching between?  Probably, but that's the difficulty with having too many sketch pads laying around.  Yesterday's seems to always be misplaced.  The fine black marker is an immediate sort of drawing tool.  There is no turning back, only forging ahead- or scribbling ahead.  Looks like this was done in a 9 inch by 12 inch sketch pad.

Sunday, October 2, 2016

From Burlington

From Burlington was done last year actually; from a sketch done while heading to Quincy alone. 10/4/15 was the date on the painting, but the trip was before that.  Had gone to help move a shed to El Dorado. That will be our last trip to Quincy I would guess. All the old places are gone, except for the little house where we stayed overnight more than once.  There are a thousand subjects on the roads between here and there.