Friday, November 21, 2014

Evening Highlights

          It was evening and I was bored.  The chairs were reflected in the large mirror, with the light above my head reflecting off the arm rests in the mirror as well so I could see the lights and the darks very well.  A sketch was in order, and this is the result. Maybe a little more dark and somber that many, but a good subject for my recent most favorite tool- the half dried out "Sharpie".

Wednesday, November 19, 2014



          This old tree sits on Connecticut on a lot between 2 houses.  Many such have been taken down long before now.  It looks like an old hedge tree, but it is far too large for that I suppose.  I have snapshots of this tree, but this is the first drawing, and it has needed doing for a long time.  Someone had cleaned up some leaves and bagged them, leaving a good pile still behind the tree waiting for more bags or more energy for the work.  The tree could tell lots of stories of past years, of past grandparents or parents or kids chased out to "clean up under that old tree".

Monday, November 17, 2014

Alley revisit

          I think there are other drawings, maybe even  a posted one that was done of this little spot. I had parked the truck near this alley, and was headed to the Farmer's market when I thought this might make a nice quick drawing. It is therefore a much more free sort of style, but I think it turned out. I did another at the same time of the market itself.  One of the few times I made it up there this last season. Too bad. Lots of good produce and good drawing as well.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Some still do sheets

       A simple pencil sketch that did not photograph very well as you can see...I think it will make a great water color, huh?

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Windstrong flag

        It may look like it is caught in a stiff wind, but in reality it was hanging straight down in a slight breeze.  A flag moving in the wind gives you all kind of variety of drapery that you have to catch as you can. Lots of good practice doing quick sketches of a constantly changing subject.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

14th & Mass

        8/6/14 was the date on the drawing.   12:30 in the afternoon.  90 degrees. Early August when the temp was heading to the upper 90's and I was looking for a subject I could draw while in the shade.  I had seen these shadows and highlights earlier in the week as I remember, so this is where I was headed on foot after parking a half block away. I was hoping it would look something like what I remembered.  It was actually bearable against the building in the little noonday shade it provided. You will recognize the title if you have been around Lawrence much.  Just north of the ol' Memorial High School, and east of a couple other places I have drawn in the last couple years.