Tuesday, February 20, 2018

table legs

Let's put a couple more drawings on the table.    👀
We stopped one of these nights during a snowstorm in Kentucky. There was no one in the breakfast area late at night, so I could do some sketching unobserved...  When we were ready to go the next morning, the place was full and the truckers were talking about the interstate east that we wanted to take being shut down for 20 miles...

The second was also late at night of the table in a different breakfast nook.
Both of these sketches were done with the notion of trying to break the image down into just a couple tones, as well as seeing and using more shapes than line. That is a bit difficult for someone who thinks in a linear sorta' way.  The first sketch, done as we started our trip, was in a 5 x 9 pad that I finished up later that week. The second, done on the way home 2+ weeks later, was in a new pad I started while on the trip. The 0.9 lead that I have been using is some new stuff I got off Amazon; and some is 2B, which, though it is very easy to break, it gives some very nice darks with very little sheen. That may make a drawing a bit easier to photograph.

These drawings are all pencil, but they are becoming less common it seems. Ink survives better in a sketch pad that you are hauling around; and it also reproduces easier with a phone camera.  So I use the ink more often unless the subject needs a more subtle touch than the ink will provide- as in the case of a landscape. In this case though, I was just too far into it with too little patience to switch to ink.   I should revisit this study on a fresh sheet of paper, using only ink to see if I can get the stark tones of the ink to make sense.

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