Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Sum & Sub...

On this trip past these flowers I was headed home from my morning walk.  I had to cross the street for this drawing, and delay my arrival home by some minutes.   These are similar hostas as those growing in our back yard, but they are less crowded and maybe get a bit more sun- I don't think that matters with hostas, but they seem to do better than ours- at least in the quality of the blooms. These seem to be less bell shaped flower than ours, but the pattern they make reaching out from the center is just classic.

This batch. however, were ours. The blooms are a pleasure to draw. they have such clear white flowers in pale green surroundings. The emphasis in this second drawing seems to be on the leaves.    
You can see the preliminary pencil sketch underlying the ink drawing in this one.
The title of this post comes from what I suppose to be the name of this variety of hosta. .

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