Sunday, February 18, 2018

Bridge at Prairie Park

This is the sketch done on a chilly and snowy morning of the long bridge at Prairie Park. Between Christmas and New Years you would have thought there would be a some kids at the park. Not.
This was another example of  me not having seen this particular scene in this light. Though we have often been through here in the snow only today did the notion strike me to sketch it. Ink seemed the perfect medium- quick enough to not let my hands get too cold.

Here is the watercolor sketch of the main bridge over the creek at Prairie Park north of the lake. I did this about a week after the ink. It is the only bridge in the park with a jog in it. Made of wood, it is a replacement for one that did not survive the abuses mother nature dishes out- too much high water on the creek.  This bridge was set higher and longer, with concrete pillars.  When we first moved to the area there were no bridges in the park. There was not even a park; just a farm pond turned into a city fishing lake. Some of the area was still farmed. The area where the Nature Center now sands was an unfarmed field with 2 small farm ponds. Some of that area is now housing on Harper. We with the kids wandered all over the area summer and winter. At that time there was no concrete in the park, including on the dam, which had to be widened and strengthened when the walk was added.