Tuesday, January 23, 2018

"Molis decline 7:45 am -  9/18/17"
The trail cutting uphill northwest through the bigger prairie from where it crosses the creek at the north end of the lake on to the Nature Center was almost impassable at times. And it is mid September- way to early for snow to impede your progress...  But there were so many heavy-headed flowers leaning way over into the trail from both sides that it was not possible to avoid brushing them as you passed..  Seems like most of those leaning flowers were coneflowers although this is the Hoary Sunflower. It was getting along in their season, and they could no longer hold their heads high. Yet to me their beauty is undiminished.
That explains the orientation of the drawing.
Now that it is winter, you can see where they get there name. as they are in large patches of gray tones that are distinct in the winter landscape.
This drawing also shows somewhat the attachement of their leaves to the stem. No petiole at all.
In the summer the stems show the "hairs" that give the flowere its other name - Hairy sunflower.

Maybe the initial pencil outline in this one is a bit too obvious, huh?
Done in a Canson 5" x 9" sketch pad with paper substantial enough for the ink to not bleed through...

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