Saturday, January 13, 2018

Hoary sunflower.

Not much info on this little ink drawing. No location. No date. And no indication of the weather. But the Hoary Sunflowers were in bloom so I suppose it was near the end of August, as were the other 2 drawings in this group, the Arrowhead, and the hosta.I had been waiting since last winter when much of the south end of the big prairie at the park had a gray cast to it from the dry remians of these flower stalks. The original pencil sketch is clearly seen in this photo. For some reason when I added the ink for the comment, I put it in a more central place, hence the shaddowy double notation- "hoary-  hoary...."      
It seemed to me at the time when I finished this sketch that the leaves did not give very good impression of their habbit of hugging the  stem. Oh well, maybe next time.  Actually you can see a bit of that hugging at the top of the stem.

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