Thursday, December 28, 2017

more from the hog roast

 The hog roast was a major event. Lots of food & fun for the kiddos and fellowship for the adults.     I got there after the activities were well under way, but there was plenty of food. Actually I was as interested in getting some sketching done as getting some food, but managed to do both before the sun was gone and everyone was pretty much gathered around the bonfires while the kids did marshmallows.

These sketches were actually from our first visit to the 'museum." It was a fall celebration, with corn shucking and cider making to boot. 
An artist should get more practice than I do working with people milling around making small talk and/or commenting on your work. Here are a four sketches done of stuff inside the barn, done while people were doing just that.   Much of this is a hundred years old I suppose. The Conestoga style wagon is fantastic, and although not in perfect shape, gives you a great sense of what it musta been like fording rivers and weathering storms rolling across the high plains 170 years ago.
This was done in a 9" x 12" pad, with pencil, ball point pen and a Sharpie.
I'll try to post one more from this set tomorrow.

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