Some days it has just been too long since you did any painting. That can be after a long hiatus, or after spending the good part of a week painting. Not that I ever have a block of time like that, but maybe a simple painting each day or so. This was such a day, and I had this scrap of paper waiting to be used. Then I found a thumbnail sketch from a recent trip up through Lyon county and this, after a prelim sketch to lay out the concept, was the result. We sometimes take the back roads home from down south, cutting through the Flint Hills by a different route for a change. This barn is the kind of stuff you might see whenever you travel in the mid-west- especially Kansas.
Done on Canson 140# paper about 4 1/2" by 12" on the day before Halloween though the thumbnail was done a few days before.
This is the quick study done between the thumbnail done on the road and this done just before the water color. It has the note, "all sky" to remind me to stay focused when doing the painting. Also the name "Lyon Co." to further clarify the name in my mind.
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