Tuesday, September 1, 2015


This was one of the more interesting sketches to do while sitting at the terminal in Minneapolis.  We had just flown over Rebok's house as we came in. We had only a few minutes to kill. These 2 fellas were sitting where the pilot had been eating his burrito. They were having a lot more pleasant time than their expressions would indicate. They were probably 25 feet away from us but I could hear their accent well enough to guess they were eastern European.

An hour and a half later while waiting at the baggage claim in Kansas City I was standing next to them so I asked where they were from.  One was from Hungary, and the other from Lithuania. They asked me were to find some food and so I told them where the map was of the terminal.  They asked if we had been in Kansas long.  Only since 1970.  After that our bags came so I did not get to ask why they were here. I assumed they were students...

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