Up North

6/3/12 Well,
here is a new title drawing up there now. Needed to do that for
awhile. Don't ask me where it came from!
Now for a new post. I
skipped a week; not only was there too much going on around here, but
I wanted to sort out some of this stuff...
Off North 75
memory a few years ago after a trip to I think the Circleville Quarry opperated by
Hamm Cos. This may have been done from a thumbnail on an old scrap
of paper, I have not come across the sketch but that is no supprise.
Old barnyards from the backside are always fun! I remember a story
related to this. I was doing some sketches on location for Beth
Khaler of her parents place north of Topeka; actually also west of 75
highway but not as far north as this one. I was suposed to be
keeping the project a secret – yea, that is likely to happen! Her
dad was coming out of the house and wandering around, trying to not
look too obvious, but was very currious as to what I was doing!
(Some 'ol boys would just have gotten out the shotgun and chased me
off the property!) Some of the better sketches that day came from
the backside. Not ones that Beth's mother was very happy to be "on
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