Friday, March 2, 2012

Thanksgiving Day in Lawrence

     We were waiting for company to come to the house for turkey & trimmin's and this drawing was a little something to fill in the time until they came. One of my teachers who taught drawing at Prairie High School saw a photo of this drawing a few years ago, and sent me a detailed lesson in a 11x17 envelope, in hopes of improving my perspective.  
     Some of these drawings are going to be local Lawrence as you can see. But I probably will post another Turkey day drawing from Golden Valley, MN. 


  1. So, where is (was?) this old house located?

    BTW, you weren't helping with the Thanksgiving dinner? :)

  2. Love this! Where is the house? Old West Lawrence? It looks familiar.

  3. Seems u figured out how 2 make comments "by approval only."

  4. Love it... kind of reminds me of our Ash St house!

  5. The place is about 1.5 mi from our place, towards town. This Italianate style is not uncommon in Lawrence, as throughout the midwest. We already had the dinner ready, but you guys were late, Rick! Kim, I figured out the "by approval only" by accident.

  6. Jerry, I am enjoying seeing your art work.
