Saturday, June 24, 2017

Sketches of cars & trucks

 Here is a collection of sketches of vehicles done over the course of several months last year... 2 local, 2 on Dorothy's street, and 2 on a road trip in Arkansas.

 I was waiting for tires to be put on the Accord, so had about 1/2 hour to use up.  Parking lots always have subjects.  This was one of 3 pages of 5" x 9" sketches  I did in that time frame. These
were done with a ball point pen. 
A smaller sketch than the first one. But done at the same time. Cropped from the full sheet,

This was done at the same time as Carport lighting.  I was waiting for the ladies to finish their stuff inside. It was very warm out for a November evening, so I was just kicking around the street with a sketch pad. This was the open door of our pickup as I walked back to the house.

We had spent a stressful night in a cold rundown motel. This was actually probably someone working in the area from further north who had also spent the night, and maybe a lot of nights, as they were redoing the large conference room.  All the carpet had been stripped off the concrete floor and  the new was in rolls waiting to be installed. They were having a big pro wrestling convention in town the coming weekend and were a long ways from being ready for the full house they were predicting....               You can see a junco bird sitting at the top of the evergreen. He was getting ready to head north late in the winter like we were doing....

Here was another vehicle at the motel in Jonesborro. Not sure if this jeep also had out of state tags so I am not sure if it was just us or them as well that was getting out of Arkansas!

Saturday, June 17, 2017

SS,44 & Cypress

I have done a number of drawings in North Lawrence, some dating back to the 1980's. I was sitting in a newer parking lot and this is the scene I found.  A cypress tree, a sleek "cabin cruiser" for sale and a fellow walking down the sidewalk.  No date on this one.  Seems the format is 9" x 12"- Once again done with a pen of some sort.  
6/18/17  I forgot to say that the tree is a cypress. There is a row of them along N. 2nd. As there are in a few places in Lawrence. At one time the largest cypress tree in KS was in Lawrence .

Monday, June 12, 2017

elevators & tankers

This empty parking area along the tracks in N. Lawrence is a good place to get a view of the grain elevators and the angles they create against the tanker cars on the rail siding. Lots of interest along the railroad.  It was 60 degrees on the 4th of November with a clear sky when this drawing was done. 9 x 12" format on Canson paper.

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Alley addition

I always made numerous trips through town. On one such trip I was headed down the alley when this scene presented itself to me.  People were coming and going out of the Re-store, as well as the construction site. A garage was ready to start going up that would soon partly obscure the old stone and brick behind it to the south.