Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Did this sketch one recent Saturday morning when I was waiting for Louis to finish Gramma Ruth's hair. I was planning on a short bird walk a the Lawrence Nature Trail off Folks Road, but had forgotten my binoculars, so I sat instead south of the Mercantile and did this sketch.  Later on last week I started the watercolor painting which took a bit, but is now done. And here is the watercolor below.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Broken Arrow

Here is the painting and the drawing that was the inspiration for the painting. Been meaning to do some power line studies just for the shapes and angles.  This particular day we were catching a burger at Hardees and headed to the park when Stephanie suggested to kill a little time I could draw while she read. The ink sketch was the result.  After it sat at home a day, then I transferred it to a 9 x 12" chunk of Arches 140# and started the watercolor.  This is the result.  After scratching my head about it this weekend I put some finishing touches on it today.  It is done now don't ya think?? Shannon thought that the photo missed some of the color...  That's the problem with my primitive system...

This is the stone shelter that we used to take the kids to in the day. Now, once in a great while we might take the grandkids.

Saturday, May 14, 2016

flag ship

Not often that this is the view outside of the Senior Center, but this day the fire truck was sitting along the curb on 8th street.  It gave me a different subject for a change.

Friday, May 13, 2016

outa the park

"inspired while riding out of Prarire Park with Stephanie in the evening." This is the note on the edge of the painting.   We were on the tandem.  It was March 3rd.  The painting was  done on the 5th after it had stirred around in my head a little bit. Kinda like makin' good tapioca puddin' or so I'm told- some things need to just simmer for a time...The trees had only begun to fill out and it was nearly a month till the spring warbler migration would begin in earnest, but the weather had warmed and cleared and we were out for a short ride.  Inspirations come to the artist when they do...

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Winter fence line.

This scene is presented to me every day from the kitchen window.  I should do a sketch or something from there every day. It changes from the passing of the sun (or moon) and its movement north to south over the seasons. This was done from a drawing- barely a sketch- that I cannot even find now. None of the paintings from this window have been as spontaneous as this one. Or I should say, none show the qualities of the water color medium as clearly as this painting does.