Saturday, March 22, 2014

Betwixt old and new

The landfill when we first arrived in Lawrence was just east of the river west of the railroad and I guess south of Midland junction. This farm has been around since long before that, juist north of what is now a city park. This is south of the RR, US 59 and the current landfill. This is another sketch done in too big a hurry, but the results are kinda fun. Would be a good motif for a watercolor..

Friday, March 21, 2014

Buck Creek School

This drawing was done the last day Al G. worked at Hamm. I drove out there to see him get his rocking chair, though I had not worked that week. Stopped at the n curve headed back to town and did this sketch. I have photos of this place but not in 15 years of driving past the corner.  

Monday, March 3, 2014

Cab over & Done

        This odd fellow was sittin' with his head down and his tail up behind the round house apartments off 4 Wheel Drive.  Probably spends way more time like this than running! I was on a walk waiting for the car to get a new wind shield. I had forgotten my coat on a breezy 45 deg day, but sitting in the sun behind a tree I was able to keep out of the breeze and in the sun. The neighbourhood hound dog was making sure everyone knew I was there; barking and watching me with no fence between. I am guessing he figured I was more entertainment than danger. Did this sketch on a sheet of 11x14 Canson Recycled paper with a flat lead Generals pencil- something like a carpenter's pencil; nice combination for a quick idea of the lights and shadows.