Monday, July 22, 2013

Friday, July 19, 2013

Imaginary Chimney

        There is a chimney in the background, a more distant one, but the original chimney is missing. All we can see is the opening in the roof that the masonry used to occupy. The newer “stack” along with the newer buildings in the background are taking the place of the old. There are two chimneys- two distant chimneys. One distant in space, one distant in thought. One visible on the farther building; one visible only in the imagination. It has dropped from sight; it has not totally dropped from memory.
        Actually, the fallen chimney is still laying in a heap on the floor. I suppose the entire building will someday follow.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Sparta Missouri


    This drawing was done last summer on a trip to southern Missouri for a weekend with friends. You could find the place just north of the Post Office as you drive into town from the west. 
  If you have a few minutes, or can scratch some together, you cannot pass up a chance for a little sketching- unless of course you are out of state, playing with grandkids and doing projects for one of the kids....

Saturday, July 6, 2013

thumbnail post

Well, here is a thumbnail that gives new meaning to the concept of a posted thumbnail...

Thursday, July 4, 2013

"Double Snake Eyes"

        These places are interesting. Twin houses with twin numbers. The street numbers are 202 and 204 west 9th St. A friend of ours painted these places back in the 70's for a part time income. They also appear in a 1921 photo of the original Lawrence High School. How long they were there before that I do not know. The High School was at the time across the intersection to the south west; the stone foundation of which was used for the new construction that now stands on the site. Looking carefully at the old photograph, it is possible to see the entryway on the west house, and what appears to be an identically trimmed entryway on the east house. Twins often have a way of aging differently, and it seems these 2 are no different in that respect.